Ganglia monitoring tool for UNIX Data centers
Server side we required below packages.
Server Side configuration:
1. Installation of required packages.
Below packages and dependencies are required in ganglia server.
CSKamp_1.3.1_sparc.pkg ->coolstack apache server
ganglia-3.0.7-sol10-sparc-local ->ganglia package (required both client server side)
rrdtool-1.2.19-sol10-sparc-local -> high performance data logging and graphing system
Dependancies and libraries
2. Configure for the first time
When we start ganglia for first time, it is required to create default configuration file by using below command
root@server#/usr/local/sbin/gmond –default >/etc/gmond.conf
Edit configuration for listening to port for accepting client data
Edit /etc/gmond.conf of server as below. Here I give Sulay as my cluster name
Cluster {
name = "SULAY"
owner = "unixadmin"
latlong = "unspecified"
url = "unspecified"
host {
location = "SULAY"
udp_recv_channel {
port = 8649
family = inet4
tcp_accept_channel {
port = 8649
3. Creat a file named /etc/gmetad.conf with below data
data_source "SULAY" localhost
4. Configuring apache.
By default apache coolstack is getting inslled on /opt/coolstack/apache2 path.
You have to change the default page of apache to the ganglia web page by editing below two lines on /opt/coolstack/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
#This is where apache looks for default page.
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/doc/ganglia/web"
#this is the path for default directory.
5. Restart/enable apache
root@server#svcadm restart svc:/network/http:apache22-csk
root@server#svcadm enable svc:/network/http:apache22-csk
6. Starting gmond and gmetad
7. Verifying the running deamon, you can see both deamons are running . if you have any issue with starting , start execute above command with --debug=9 options (eg: /usr/local/sbin/gmond –debug=9) will give a verbose output.
root@server#ps -ef|grep gm
nobody 19037 1 0 Feb 02 ? 94:12 /usr/local/sbin/gmond
nobody 19090 1 1 Feb 02 ? 1416:22 /usr/local/sbin/gmetad
8. Create a startup script for starting these both applications while machine comes up.
Create this /etc/rc3.d/S99ganglia with blow contend
9. Change the permission of this file to executable
root@server#Chmod a+x /etc/rc3.d/S99ganglia
10. Now you can browse the ganglia portal by typing the ip or host name of the ganlia server in the browser.
You will get a windows similar to below
If you click any of the graph related to individual host
Client Side configuration.
1. Install required package.
2. Creating configuration file
/usr/local/sbin/gmond -–default >/etc/gmond.conf
3. Editing etc/gmond.conf for sending packet to server.
No need of accept and receive channel settings in client side. Edit below lines in client configuration file.
Cluster {
name = "SULAY"
owner = "unixadmin"
latlong = "unspecified"
url = "unspecified"
host {
location = "SULAY"
udp_send_channel {
host =
port = 8649
ttl = 1
4. Creating startup file for client.
Create this /etc/rc3.d/S99ganglia with blow contend
5. Change the permission of this file to executable
Chmod a+x /etc/rc3.d/S99ganglia
6. Verifying client gmond is running
root@client# ps -ef|grep gm
nobody 5152 1 0 Feb 06 ? 3:28 /usr/local/sbin/gmond
As soon as the application started in a client, this client will be visible in ganglia portal.
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