I found some of very good article in internet for configuring dynamic IP configuration with Godaddy.
Below is the steps I used to achieve the same.
1- Install required python modules.
#yum install install python python-pip
#pip install pif
#pip install pygodaddy
#pip install pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1
2. replace client.py and __init__.py with below files as the authentication changes in godaddy has been fixed in new files.
Replace /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygodaddy/ with https://github.com/BryceGough/pygodaddy/blob/master/pygodaddy/client.py
Replace /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygodaddy/__init__.py with https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BryceGough/pygodaddy/master/pygodaddy/__init__.py
3. Download below Symple python script to update a host A record in a GoDaddy hosted DNS zone
#wget https://github.com/johanreinalda/godaddy_dynamic_dns/archive/master.zip
#unzip master.zip
#cd godaddy_dynamic_dns-master
Create below files to store current IP and logs.
#touch current_ip
#touch godaddy.log
4. Edit configuration files update.py
Replace below line with your hostname in godaddy. (here i put blog). on line number 53.
if dns_record.hostname == 'blog':
5. now you can run the update.py like below.
# python update.py
ip is the same.. not doing anything
Ref: https://github.com/johanreinalda/godaddy_dynamic_dns
Below is the steps I used to achieve the same.
1- Install required python modules.
#yum install install python python-pip
#pip install pif
#pip install pygodaddy
#pip install pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1
2. replace client.py and __init__.py with below files as the authentication changes in godaddy has been fixed in new files.
Replace /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygodaddy/ with https://github.com/BryceGough/pygodaddy/blob/master/pygodaddy/client.py
Replace /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygodaddy/__init__.py with https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BryceGough/pygodaddy/master/pygodaddy/__init__.py
3. Download below Symple python script to update a host A record in a GoDaddy hosted DNS zone
#wget https://github.com/johanreinalda/godaddy_dynamic_dns/archive/master.zip
#unzip master.zip
#cd godaddy_dynamic_dns-master
Create below files to store current IP and logs.
#touch current_ip
#touch godaddy.log
4. Edit configuration files update.py
Replace below line with your hostname in godaddy. (here i put blog). on line number 53.
if dns_record.hostname == 'blog':
5. now you can run the update.py like below.
# python update.py
ip is the same.. not doing anything
Ref: https://github.com/johanreinalda/godaddy_dynamic_dns